A Biker

This post is written for “Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers.”

photo prompt is provided by pixabay.com



From the outside the building seemed like a friendly neighborhood tavern. He was thirty miles into his weekly fifty mile bicycle ride and it was time for a break. He patted himself on his back for taking a new route and seeing new scenery.

Once inside the tavern he soon realized it was not quite what it seemed from the outside. Muscle bulging men and women were sitting at the bar with leather jackets indicating what motorcycle club they were associated with.

The ones closest to the door turned and looked at him with his skin tight cycling pants and helmet with glazed amusement on their faces.

A heavy set blond female with cigarette smoke following her approached him and ask “So Sonny, what type of bike to you ride. Harley, Honda, or Suzuki?”

Slowly backtracking toward the door he had come through he replied in a high-pitched voice, “A Trek.”



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