A Refrigerator in a Tree

This post is written for Friday Fictioneers.


It was late afternoon Monday June 8, 1953. As we drive to my grandmother’s I remember seeing a refrigerator in a tree. For an seven year old that didn’t make sense. Her street of old two story homes was now what looked like a messy lumber yard.

There were a few people, some walking, some sitting on the ground, with a daze look in their eyes, rummaging among their damaged possessions looking like the walking dead. The amazing thing was that there was total silence. There was no wind. It was a time when the world stood STILL.

Flint, Michigan



  1. Danny didn’t realize you grew up in MI. Surprising I never heard of this devastating event that looks like it wrought havoc across quite an expanse of the region. I can NOT imagine having lived through such a storm, down in the basement listening to what must have been so loud and terrifying. Then, afterwards walk outside and see the wreckage 😦

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  2. A a camping trip, we quickly dismantled our tents and sheltered in an old school building as the storm raged. I wondered if we had made the right choice as the building was too close to the sea for my liking. should have gone up into the hills–– time ran out.

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  3. You’ve captured that silence and stillness that seems to permeate the news stories and film footage about tornadoes. Quite the scene for a 7 year old to take in and try to process.

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  4. We get so many reports of tornadoes but always to the areas around us. I hope to never have to go through one. And, saying that, I probably jinxed myself. One month of hurricane season down, five to go…..

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