Slip Sliding Away

This post is written for Mondays Finish the Story.

This is a unique flash fiction challenge where we are provided a new photo each week, and the first sentence of a story. Our challenge is to finish the story using 100-150 words, not including the sentence provided which is highlighted below. My story follows the picture prompt.

© 2015, Barbara W. Beacham

The cemetery spread along the area known as Devils Abode.

The heavy rains that began two days ago resulted in a virtual landslide that covered almost an entire acre below the original site.

The river of mud and debris had now settled into a sea of dirty brown dirt.

The landslide was particular hard on the residents of the cemetery. Some of the underground population had been covered by six feet of earth for up to eighty years. Some had resided beside each other by chance and others because they were family. The long-term residents were hard to tell apart because of the decomposition of their bodies. Some of the “newbies” still were dressed in their formal burial attire. Bones were now in piles on some of the higher ground.

The good souls were now mixed with the bad. Those that had led the good life now felt cheated. The bad boys were still laughing.


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