Friday Fictioneers — Phobia


Copyright - Douglas M. MacIlroy

Her heart rate accelerated. Her blouse was wet from sweating and she was trembling uncontrollably. She felt a choking sensation and shortness of breath as she looked at the underground creature that had entered her bedroom. She felt she was going mad. The monster knew she hated water. Her phobia had reached the stage where she was even afraid of being splashed with water. He knew how to play to her phobia. His aim was to put her into a full panic attack.

This time he had gone too far. Her older brother would pay dearly for his nasty actions.



This post was written for Friday Fictioneers.



  1. Brings back memories of my children. Our son was afraid his sister would fall out of a tree so he tried to pull her down safely. She kicked his shin so hard be was sure his leg was broken. Well written. 🙂


  2. Interesting take on the prompt. Will your response to the Friday Fictioneers prompt next week bring us her tale of retribution?


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