Leave It Outside The Gate

This post is written for Friday Fictioneers. 

The rules are simple: write a complete story with a beginning, middle and end in 100 words or less. My story follows the picture prompt.


He would make him regret firing him. He didn’t waste his degree in Chemical Engineering working for a dummer than dirt uneducated manager who made vague racial comments about him.

His weapon was perfect: a colorless, odorless liquid that even in very low concentrations would cause death to occur within one to ten minutes after inhalation.

Everything was wiped clean so there would be no finger prints to trace. He wiped the sweat from his brow and pulling his latex gloves off he smiled.

He even had the perfect delivery system. Just leave it outside the gate.


  1. Danny, that was very well done. The whole story in so few words. The only loose end, of course, is how long the package will sit there; how long before the poison becomes inert, how long before the murderer realizes he’s possibly signed his own death warrant with the simple gesture of wiping the sweat off his brow.


Tell me your thoughts!