
This post is written for Friday Fictioneers.

PHOTO PROMPT © Dale Rogerson

“He told me $7,000 US dollars,” Rosetta whispered. “Seven thousand dollars and that’s just for Julio. He’s the strongest. He can make the trip. He can send back money. Juan says we have enough money if his useless brother will help what he has saved.”

“Julio has no future here, you know that. You have seen the violence that awaits him. He’s only seven years old and he has seen terrible things already. The coyote says it will be a long trip, but he will protect him.  We have made the decision. He will go!

“It’s his only hope.”




  1. A good story with great dialog, Danny. This illustrates the impossible choices of people in some countries to give their children a chance to survive. We cannot and must not judge them by the standards of our lives. Then, they reach our country and are treated with cruelty as well. This kind of mistreatment has to stop. —- Suzanne

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  2. Hard to believe, that in an age, when kids are often living with their parents well into their twenties in the US, just south of the border a boy is seen fit to travel on his own at seven.

    As many have said above, desperation makes you look at things differently.

    And we can hardly condemn the rational decisions of those, who do their best to adapt (in the interest of self-preservation) to a system (or lack thereof) that we ourselves have set up.

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