Some Assembly Required

This post is submitted to Friday Fictioneers.



PHOTO PROMPT © Jan Wayne Fields

“It’s a bargain,” she said.

“I like the floor model” I replied.

“We have gone to five stores and looked at every model available. Let’s buy this one and be done with it. The kids can help and put it together. It shouldn’t take more than an hour to have it up.”

“We’ve been married twenty-eight years Marge and you should know that anything that requires putting part a into part b is a challenge for me. On my headstone I know what it will say.”

“ Some assembly required?”





  1. Enjoyed reading this and loved the epitaph too, Danny. That’s very clever and I appreciate how you can laugh at yourself. My mother’s tombstone could well have “always 20 minutes late” written on it but she’d burn me at the stake for that one. I’m hoping my tombstone doesn’t say…”She never finished the book”. Ouch. That would hurt.
    The comments on this piece have also been good. Seems DIY is a popular topic.
    In our household, my husband is the fixer and the rest of us are wreckers. Drives him nuts. He’s also a measure twice cut once person and our son who he does a lot of work with around the house is a cut without checking you’re cutting the right object type of guy. There have been some almighty clashes. Makes me feel like heading for the hills.
    Best wishes,

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Usually you start by saying, ‘Yes, leave it to me I know how it goes together.’ Then later you search for those cryptic instructions. So true.
    Perhaps there should be a note in the coffin – instructions in top left pocket.

    Liked by 2 people

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