Guten Morgen

This post is submitted to Friday Fictioneers. 

PHOTO PROMPT © Roger Bultot

German class started at 8 a.m. I hated it! The old building seemed an appropriate place to learn this old European guttural language. Even the architecture suggested a dark and troubled time.

It took two years of German classes to receive my degree.  It was that or take the equivalent number of hours in mathematics. My instructor for the entire two years was Herr Blumenthal. He stood an unimpressive five foot one, always smoked a pipe, and wore had the same tweed jacket for the entire two years.

My days started with the same words “Guten Morgen Herr James!”



  1. Guten morgen, Danny! I took two semesters of German. Not an easy language to learn and sadly, besides counting to ten, singing part of a drinking song and asking what time it is and if you’ve heard the birds… the rest is gone.

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  2. And did you pronounce his name as Herr Yahmes, with the last syllable rhyming with “yes”? I enjoyed my years of learning German, but certainly understand that it’s not for everyone.

    Liked by 1 person

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