Range….6 Miles

This post submitted to Friday Fictioneers hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. Object is to write a story based on the photo prompt in 100 words or less with a beginning, middle and end.

My story follows the photo. For other stories click HERE.

PHOTO PROMPT © Russell Gayer

It was her birthday present.

“Just for you honey bun,” Jack had proudly proclaimed. “They don’t come any classier than this baby. Mercedes S-Class Coupe, yes sir. Nothing but the best for my gal.”

After a bitter divorce fight the car was hers. Now on her own she headed out west to clear her mind. She never had completely understood all the gauges and dials on the car. The road sign indicated the nearest town was forty five miles away. She glanced at the instruments on the dashboard. One in particular caught her attention. “Range. 6 Miles.”

96 words



  1. Don’t drive a machine that you don’t understand. Anyway, she has not earned the machine. First she received it as a gift, then won it as part of divorce settlement. Even if she loses it now, it may not be a great loss. Probably the car is insured.

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