Now The Spiders Have Started To Take Over

This post is submitted to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields Friday Fictioneers challenge.

PHOTO PROMPT © Victor and Sarah Potter

Now the spiders have started to take over. The potted flowers have also begun their decay. I have never dusted since that day.

Just after dark I turn on the lights in her room. I bring her a small glass of wine. I turn on the television to a program that she watched almost every night.

I come back in an hour and turn the television off and open the book she is currently reading.

I return to the kitchen and wash and dry the dishes I have used to prepare my dinner.

She never eats. She never complains.



  1. This sounds like one of those stories where the body is a mummy and still there. He seems to have lost his mind when she died. They must have been a solitary couple for no one to notice. Good horror story writing, Danny. —- Suzanne

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