Harmful To Your Health

This post is written for Friday Fictioneers. 

PHOTO PROMPT © J Hardy Carroll


All I could hear was the low hissing of a machine. My breathing wasn’t my own. The machine on my right was making me breath. I could see the triangle shape of plastic that cover my nose was beginning to fog.

A painful look down revealed jelly coated gauze wrapped over my arms and legs.

Then suddenly a machine I hadn’t noticed began to scream with loud sirens. On this machine were graphs that were making a zig zag pattern on the screen.

At that moment one of the screens went flat.

Yet another reason to quit smoking, Jimmy.


  1. Really effective story, well told.

    If I may, just a small grammatical change would improve the last line. You need a comma after “smoking.” Otherwise, it seems as if the person is smoking Jimmy, which is actually pretty unusual 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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