The Begger

This post is written for Friday Fictioneers.

PHOTO PROMPT © Sarah Potter

Back at the rehab facility, the night clerk was sitting behind her desk. She buzzed me in.

I took off my shoes and lay down on the bed. I put down my hand penciled sign. I was exhausted after my three-mile walk. I counted the money I had collected that day: forty-two dollars and 15 cents.

I am allowed to beg in front of the store three days a week: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from nine a.m. until two p.m.

Most people ignore me. Some throw coins. One lady today asked me I she could get me something.

“Milk,” I said.





  1. How timely this is, DJ. We were downtown this afternoon and got caught at a red light. A panhandler got up, showed us his sign and waved to us, making the sign for smoking a cigarette. What?! He wants money for smokes? The light turned green….

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