It’s Time

This flash fiction story is written for Friday Fictioneers. My little story follows the picture prompt.


PHOTO PROMPT – © Sandra Crook

The decision to move his dad to Hospice care had been the most difficult decision he had ever had to make in his life.

He was seventy years old himself. At least he could take care of his dad he thought. And then the thought crossed his mind that there was no one to take care of him. But he still had time to find an answer to that question.

“What time is it, is that what you said dad?’
A withered finger crept from under the sheets and pointed toward his mouth. “It’s time” he wheezed. “It’s over.”


  1. That’s the way it goes. The most each of us can do is prepare and accept the inevitable. I’ve tried to be close to our children and hope I go first. We shouldn’t wall ourselves off from others. I’ve lost contact with my brother in his 90’s.After his wife died, I suspect he sold his house and moved into a nursing home. Good story from the heart, Danny. —- Suzanne

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  2. Very sad and moving story. Not having kids or siblings, the SO and I face similar questions. It takes a lot of planning to have the hope for a dignified old age and end.

    Liked by 2 people

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