Pull The Plug

This post is written for Friday Fictioneers. My story follows the picture prompt.

PHOTO PROMPT © The Reclining Gentleman

It was an unusually cool spring day in Michigan. Even the daffodils had started to flower. He needed to walk after his conversation with his sister’s doctor. She was in a deep coma.

Born with one kidney now the other one was failing. She had been on home dialysis for the last two years. The doctor had called him in Tucson and he quickly hurried home.  He was the only surviving family member and time was critical.

She had made her wishes very clear. They had even rehearsed this scenario.

“Say it,” she had said.

“Pull the plug,” he responded.






  1. Danny, that’s such a tough place to be. There’s a lot to be said for letting your loved ones know your wishes should such a situation arise, and for going so far as to rehearse what needs to be said. A brave story that left a lump in my throat.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I know the wishes of some family members, and I may have to say those words someday. I am also sure that I will have to go for a walk. Thank you for saying it all in just a few words. Excellent post!


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