On Time


This post is written for Sunday Photo Fiction.

The City of New Orleans  left Chicago at exactly 8:05 pm.

It was George’s job as the Conductor to make sure that this little village on wheels was kept on track. This was his last run after twenty three years on the railroad.

He was well aware that it was his responsibility that his passengers would enjoy their next nineteen hours on board his train.

He had a very capable crew with Charles as his Lead Service Attendant who would take care of his first class passengers; Randy and Raymond who as Service Attendants would take care of the rest. And of course Sara, who would now be preparing a late dinner of Red Beans and Rice, Jamabalyal, and Bread Pudding for dessert.

By the time they arrived in Effingham most of his passengers would be in bed or getting ready for a good nights sleep. Most would awaken when the train pulled into Memphis at five twenty eight am. And George and his crew would be preparing breakfast for the early risers.

Who could blame his for breaking out singing “Good Morning America, How are You.”

Then it would be a smooth ride, they had just installed new rails, to New Orleans. The end of twenty three years for George.


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