Which Way?

Submitted  for Friday Fictioneers. My story follows the picture prompt. Other stories can be found by clicking on the blue frog at the end of this post.

PHOTO PROMPT - © Dee Lovering
© Dee Lovering

I knew things were going to be bad when I saw the empty bench. I had told her, under no circumstances, was she to leave that bench until I returned.

We were innocently walking along the riverfront when it happened. He came out from behind one of the empty fair booths with lightening speed, grabbed her purse, and was quickly lost in the crowd.

I followed but he was at least twenty years younger and a hell of a lot  faster.

Looking at that empty  bench  I looked  in the  sky  for an answer to which way she might have gone.


  1. No purse, no woman… the poor narrator has stressful times ahead of him. I just hope she didn’t go after the thief and now is in danger.


  2. Sounds like the beginning of a crime drama. A well written story, and I like how he looks to the sky for answers, because, I have seen that before so it makes this realistic.

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