Friday Fictioneers: Afganistan

This post is in response to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields Friday Fictioneers.

The rules are below:


My story follows the picture prompt below:

PHOTO PROMPT Copyright -Jennifer Pendergast


They told me this day would come but I never believed them. Unknowing to my doctors that arch I will pass under is a grim reminder of why I came here in the first place. I was trying to make it under a similar arch when the IED went off. I remember trying to make it but  my legs would not obey. Looking down I could see why. They were not there.

So today I leave this hospital under my own power. They are not my real legs but they will help me march toward my future.


  1. Dear Danny,

    A fitting tribute to our servicemen who’ve made so many sacrifices. You captured his sense of loss and hope in a few words that left a lump in my throat. I want to salute him as he passes under the arch.




  2. What a great story about overcoming obstacles. Tragedies happen, but what’s important is how we respond to them. I have a friend who lost his leg in Afghanistan, but he has touched thousands with his motivation to keep going and through the amazing things he does for fellow injured soldiers. Thank you for this great read and the reminder to appreciate those who have served.


  3. A sad story well told. Losing and regaining of independence perfectly captured. One tiny typo: ‘but I my legs would not obey’ – remove that rogue ‘I’


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