Friday Fictioneers: The Tour De Lamb

Every week Rochelle Wisoff-Fields, challenges us with her Addicted to Purple Friday Fictioneers prompt.

The rules:

Friday Fictioneers Rules.And the prompt picture is:

PHOTO PROMPT Copyright-Sandra Crook
PHOTO PROMPT Copyright-Sandra Crook

I tell you Bernard, they let just about everyone enter this race anymore. All you need is a rich sponsor and you can race against the best. Look at the leader up front. We all know he is nothing but a pacer for his team but he’s wearing us out. A yellow jersey for one day is the most he can hope for. He will never make it through the mountain chains of the Pyrenees and the Alps much less to the finish on the Champs-Elysees in Paris.  What to you think Bernard….Bernard…





  1. So Bernard dropped back to get away from Moaning Minnie! Good story but you might want to check that first sentence – ‘anymore’ seems a bit out of place.


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