Daily Prompt: Imagine All The People: Visitiors in Kenya

The next time you’re in a public place — a coffeehouse, a park, a store — observe the people around you. Pick a person, a couple, or a group, and imagine what their lives might be like.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us IMAGINE.

We were at The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust in Kenya, East Africa. The children were on a field trip when we arrived. They were dressed in their finest outfits. We were greeted with lots of giggles and finger-pointing. We found out that was because very few had ever seen a white face. A little girl would jump from behind her teachers gown and quickly point at my wife and giggle.

What would their lives be like? Honestly, I find it difficult to visualize. They live in what we would define as poverty, have bad nutrition habits and still look happy and absolutely radiate optimism. After our visit we went back to our hotel room in Nairobi. I found the juxtaposition of extreme poverty of these individuals and our luxury hotel to be a bit disturbing even today.

Visitors in Kenya
Visitors in Kenya

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  1. I taught in Kenya for a year; these pictures took me back! I was always amazed at how my students kept their school uniform pinafores white, when the water was all muddy red…


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